Lived in Leadville for a couple weeks during my CO relocation. The elevation might kill you, but skijoring is an amazing sight. Be sure to visit Scarlet Tavern while you’re there.
Hunting threatened game (lions, elephants, etc) is actually legal in much of Africa. Governments sell a handful of permits for a shitload of money and use that money to protect the rest of the population from poaching and spur the economy. The economy bit is important since a lot of poaching is done by poor residents trying to make enough money to survive, and other job options allow them to make money legally. It seems counterintuitive, but it’s worked very well in some areas, particularly with elephants in Zimbabwe.
That being said, it’s a complex issue and no one should condone poaching of any sort.
I’ve been working from home for almost 2 years now and can attest that these are all very real benefits. Setting your own schedule/walking around in your underwear all day is great, but it comes at a cost. The lack of human contact really messes with your sanity, and you’ll eventually have full-blown conversations with yourself like a crazy person.
Lived in Leadville for a couple weeks during my CO relocation. The elevation might kill you, but skijoring is an amazing sight. Be sure to visit Scarlet Tavern while you’re there.
I should have. As the only Vikes fan in the office… it was not a fun day of work.
This is why we need forums.
“Heavy Metal Jacket”
Rosslyn in the house
Sad to be the bearer of bad news, but it was torn down a year or two ago
I’ve only been here for a few months but apparently It’s gotten a lot more expensive in the past couple years.
Hunting threatened game (lions, elephants, etc) is actually legal in much of Africa. Governments sell a handful of permits for a shitload of money and use that money to protect the rest of the population from poaching and spur the economy. The economy bit is important since a lot of poaching is done by poor residents trying to make enough money to survive, and other job options allow them to make money legally. It seems counterintuitive, but it’s worked very well in some areas, particularly with elephants in Zimbabwe.
That being said, it’s a complex issue and no one should condone poaching of any sort.
Trump is a self-absorbed asshat who should be ignored at all times.
Ed Rooney: Defending flip up sunglasses since 1986
6. All of Greece
Hits a bit close to home.
Slightly outdoors drinking is the best of both worlds. The glory of nature with the amenities of home.
No you won’t.
I’ve been working from home for almost 2 years now and can attest that these are all very real benefits. Setting your own schedule/walking around in your underwear all day is great, but it comes at a cost. The lack of human contact really messes with your sanity, and you’ll eventually have full-blown conversations with yourself like a crazy person.
That bit about eating shredded cheese hit a little too close to home.
We get moderated for talking about Brian but this shit stays up for 7 hours?
Trying to think of something witty to post on a Knox article like

Did you actually create an account just to post this?