H.E. Pennypacker 9 years ago on Can't wait to have Friday off so I can check out the 3 for 1 sale at Jos. A. Bank. PGP The sale is only for Wednesday and Thursday. -17 Log in to reply or vote on comments
H.E. Pennypacker 9 years ago on The 5 Reasons I'll Never Text You Again Based on this article. You suck as a person. -2 Log in to reply or vote on comments
H.E. Pennypacker 10 years ago on Recent College Grads Probably Don’t Make Enough Money To Live Anywhere Recent college grads don’t make enough money to live anywhere? I’m 2 years out and still don’t make enough to move out of my parents. 37 Log in to reply or vote on comments
H.E. Pennypacker 10 years ago on At least Pacquiao's per second earning didn't top my salary. PGP. The guy is basically boasting how he makes more than 55k a year. That’s the problem. 5 Log in to reply or vote on comments
H.E. Pennypacker 10 years ago on At least Pacquiao's per second earning didn't top my salary. PGP. You’re an asshole. 23 Log in to reply or vote on comments
H.E. Pennypacker 11 years ago on The Anthem Of Summer 2014 Is Here And It's Going To Rock Your Fucking World A little late to the party. Barstool had this a month a go. -10 Log in to reply or vote on comments
The sale is only for Wednesday and Thursday.
Based on this article. You suck as a person.
Recent college grads don’t make enough money to live anywhere? I’m 2 years out and still don’t make enough to move out of my parents.
The guy is basically boasting how he makes more than 55k a year. That’s the problem.
You’re an asshole.
A little late to the party. Barstool had this a month a go.