Reasons why I look forward to wedding season every year. “Bitter about filing single when all my friends are married on my taxes” is played out, seeing my friends happy and being together again is the best feeling in the world
Friend’s kid is going through a “phase” (lasting a year and a half so far) where he refuses to wear anything with buttons. I’m impressed Grant even tried it on, props to you there single dad
Another option, if you’ve thought the two phone = drug dealer thing through, turn your data off for all of your social media accounts. Definitely cut down on how much I mindlessly scroll through apps while still having the option to get work emails and google maps
French fries with pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese (occasionally toppings) melted under a salamander, so addictively delicious. It all comes down to the right kind of fries though because much like traditional cheese fries, it can get ugly (mushy) quick.
I feel like some compromise of time can easily be made here. We eat dinner together about 75% of the time, then I catch up on my shows from like 8-10 while he plays Fortnite with his friends. 10-1030pm most of them get off any way and we spend *quality time* together
Those last two paragraphs are what make you a great teacher MissMackay
That being said, good luck and god speed
If they were infertile, she probably has some predetermined issues going on with her “lady bits” that could cause her not to get her period
Reasons why I look forward to wedding season every year. “Bitter about filing single when all my friends are married on my taxes” is played out, seeing my friends happy and being together again is the best feeling in the world
Friend’s kid is going through a “phase” (lasting a year and a half so far) where he refuses to wear anything with buttons. I’m impressed Grant even tried it on, props to you there single dad
Another option, if you’ve thought the two phone = drug dealer thing through, turn your data off for all of your social media accounts. Definitely cut down on how much I mindlessly scroll through apps while still having the option to get work emails and google maps
so cereal. what you want is cereal.
What a garbage human being
Can confirm, the people working at TJ’s LOVE working at TJ’s and eat almost exclusively food from TJ’s
I can’t get past the image of just eating what is essentially a blunt o’ spinach
French fries with pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese (occasionally toppings) melted under a salamander, so addictively delicious. It all comes down to the right kind of fries though because much like traditional cheese fries, it can get ugly (mushy) quick.
*frantically texts my roommate to make sure she didn’t eat my pizza*
Tequila breakfast beverages are fire. Palomas, sunrises, Mexican Mimosas, come on
The people buying the house all have the option of keeping all of the furnishings/decor that they put it, its just an extra like $10k price tag
“if that’s the most illegal thing you do with your time here, we’re all cool with it” too real
I feel like some compromise of time can easily be made here. We eat dinner together about 75% of the time, then I catch up on my shows from like 8-10 while he plays Fortnite with his friends. 10-1030pm most of them get off any way and we spend *quality time* together
This is why you only have part-time perks.
I’m less upset by the women’s clothing aspect and more upset at the fact that you are packing one shirt for a week.
I also would not qualify that shirt as a “blouse”
I hate that I lol’ed at this
Seconded with Steak N Shake. It has saved my life more times than I can tell, especially when the only other restaurant is a fucking IHOP