My mom is from the west side of El Paso, stay over there and eat lots of Mexican food. Make sure to have sopapillas and chile con queso. And hit up Charcoaler. (Basically good food is El Paso’s redeeming factor)
The only dog I’m not allergic to on this list is poodle, so that might account for their inclusion as well. And they’re fluffy, also a good attribute of a dog.
I definitely agree. I think I have more anxiety about actually finding a person and fitting them into my life more than I do about being ~forever alone~ which is why it just seems easier to be single. I also really hate the act of going on dates, trying to fit someone new into my schedule just isn’t very appealing at the moment. But I know that if I don’t want to be alone I have to change that.
As someone who has the opportunity to work from home often, I’m honestly impressed with her ability to get as much done as it sounds like she is. I agree with the comment that y’all should take a break and go get lunch/coffee. Good luck, Charlie!
It’s raining in LA, but I’m supposed to take advantage of the free theme park admission my job provides tomorrow and the zoo on Sunday. Fingers crossed I don’t get rained out.
I’m fine with the blazer, but socks with sandals? Who do you think you are, my dad?
This is up there with El Paso Saddleblanket deciding to only be for wholesalers. Very heartbroken.
My mom is from the west side of El Paso, stay over there and eat lots of Mexican food. Make sure to have sopapillas and chile con queso. And hit up Charcoaler. (Basically good food is El Paso’s redeeming factor)
This is honestly my worst nightmare, and I love going to the gym.
Isn’t this why mini golf is also a good first date?
The only dog I’m not allergic to on this list is poodle, so that might account for their inclusion as well. And they’re fluffy, also a good attribute of a dog.
I definitely agree. I think I have more anxiety about actually finding a person and fitting them into my life more than I do about being ~forever alone~ which is why it just seems easier to be single. I also really hate the act of going on dates, trying to fit someone new into my schedule just isn’t very appealing at the moment. But I know that if I don’t want to be alone I have to change that.
As someone who has the opportunity to work from home often, I’m honestly impressed with her ability to get as much done as it sounds like she is. I agree with the comment that y’all should take a break and go get lunch/coffee. Good luck, Charlie!
Sushi while watching the Bachelor finale. Maybe some wine too.
I wasn’t even aware it was an option to do it voluntarily until this article.
Can confirm, it was endearing. Girls love endearing.
I agree with this so much. I constantly get roped into these and honestly it’s like can’t we just hang out? Why is it a production?
I haven’t had anyone “slide into my DMs” and I can’t decide if that is something I’d want.
I honestly don’t understand how the new model works. But I also refuse to pay for it so I have the “free” version so that could be a part of it.
It’s all about JSwipe, duh.
Homemade tortilla soup, with cheese and avocado.
I’m a little sad this is over, I thoroughly enjoyed it. And my sister lives in Phoenix, so thanks for the local bar recs, Lizzie!
It’s raining in LA, but I’m supposed to take advantage of the free theme park admission my job provides tomorrow and the zoo on Sunday. Fingers crossed I don’t get rained out.
This implies it’s all in one spot. A good Jew knows to hide it in multiple places.
Also nice Jewish girl here JayTas, sup?