Being tall is the worst when it comes to dressing up. Every dress is going to be way too short, and if I throw on heels, I’ll be taller than 80% of the guys at the bars. Amazonian life.
I’m not applying this to each individual guy and situation. I’m just saying that, overall, ladies would be way more likely to go home with you if our one night stands had been successful in the past. Often they’re not, and until this starts changing, neither will the likelihood of us leaving with you.
These comments are unreal. A guy writes an article calling out shit that girls do and the comments are supportive. A girl does the same thing and she needs to get laid/hit the gym/lighten up.
Why does this site never post any articles about the stupid shit that guys do? I’ll freely admit that us ladies have plenty of issues and love to joke about them as much as the next person, but it seems like we’re always the butt of the joke here while you just brush off anything that men do as no big deal. Keep writing hilarious shit like TGDAG, but can we get a few funny articles about guys too?
Being tall is the worst when it comes to dressing up. Every dress is going to be way too short, and if I throw on heels, I’ll be taller than 80% of the guys at the bars. Amazonian life.
I’m not applying this to each individual guy and situation. I’m just saying that, overall, ladies would be way more likely to go home with you if our one night stands had been successful in the past. Often they’re not, and until this starts changing, neither will the likelihood of us leaving with you.
Todd has to be playing some kind of long-con.
These comments are unreal. A guy writes an article calling out shit that girls do and the comments are supportive. A girl does the same thing and she needs to get laid/hit the gym/lighten up.
Oh we can be bat shit crazy, for sure. But don’t act like there’s no potential for articles about guys being idiots too.
Why does this site never post any articles about the stupid shit that guys do? I’ll freely admit that us ladies have plenty of issues and love to joke about them as much as the next person, but it seems like we’re always the butt of the joke here while you just brush off anything that men do as no big deal. Keep writing hilarious shit like TGDAG, but can we get a few funny articles about guys too?
What are your plans for this weekend?