Talk about throwing away your future. All he’d have to do is be an Instagram husband to promote products, hunt, fish, and make beautiful children in the mountains.
On the bright side, you didn’t have to go skiing with the assholes that frequent Stowe. There are other (and better, in my opinion) mountains in VT, but I’m guessing you were trying to goto Stowe.
Depends. With Clinton nothing would get done, but with Trump… something will get done, it’s likely just the starting of various dumpster fires though. Latter would definitely offer greater entertainment.
Current life goals:
1) Simply survive 5 more months so I can pick up my first silencer.
2) Fix my ’97 Land Cruiser that was totaled out by January for an event.
3) Stay kid free.
Tires would have been a good one, but now it’s part of the record anyways. Stop buying shitty tires people.
Didn’t know costumes were a perquisite to fun.
People goto those things?
Talk about throwing away your future. All he’d have to do is be an Instagram husband to promote products, hunt, fish, and make beautiful children in the mountains.
If only she loved me back.
On the bright side, you didn’t have to go skiing with the assholes that frequent Stowe. There are other (and better, in my opinion) mountains in VT, but I’m guessing you were trying to goto Stowe.
It’s for the whole state… For every millennial making 50k a year in a city there’s another picking almonds for almost zero dollars.
And 5k into a trailer and 35k into an SUV to tow it to the track so you don’t have to drive it in public.
Still cheaper than a kid.
Apparently I don’t even know how to purchase appliances. Caroline, help us with more things.
The real tragedy here is that we’re missing the top half of white shorts girl.
Shaq probably isn’t either… I doubt all those power bands he wears fill him with Halal approved energy.
Depends. With Clinton nothing would get done, but with Trump… something will get done, it’s likely just the starting of various dumpster fires though. Latter would definitely offer greater entertainment.
Careful Paul, don’t blow the welds on the intake hitting a 100 shot of NOS.
Nope, only difference between the two from my team period perspective is that former comes across as lazy.
Call me crazy, but I believe the Miata part.
Current life goals:
1) Simply survive 5 more months so I can pick up my first silencer.
2) Fix my ’97 Land Cruiser that was totaled out by January for an event.
3) Stay kid free.
Really all I got, pretty sad.
Probably just liked your brother more, evidenced by the fact they made you deal with two separate checks.