I am a man, and I wouldn’t even live with 4 other dudes, that’s your problem. It’s a compounding effect, the more dude there are the less chance of it being clean, and when it’s dirty all the time, guys just give up and embrace it
Switch to day drinking and focus more on conversating while you are out, meet more people, form deeper bonds, And still put off being a full fledged adult
Pool season is coming, and shotgunning will return with it if you go a rowdy pool. Also tailgates.
You would be surprised
Cheers Knox, you are putting the team on your back doe here at PGP
“After all, any attire is bar attire.”
Truer words have never been spoken
“Hey Ma” by Camron (instrumental)
Being in Vegas during March Madness took more years off my life than my 4 years in college
You learn more about a person from their mix CDs than you can in months of hanging out with them
It’s better to assume that highway doesn’t exist, and just never take it under an circumstances
It is bad that I had that terrible rap song “I’m bossy” stuck in my head while I read the entire column?
Tidal wave BJs would be a great band name
“In my opinion, Men’s Wearhouse should have waited for a “Buy one, get seven free” sale before buying the company, but to each his own.”
Whataburger and tortilla chips, may god have mercy on my soul
I am a man, and I wouldn’t even live with 4 other dudes, that’s your problem. It’s a compounding effect, the more dude there are the less chance of it being clean, and when it’s dirty all the time, guys just give up and embrace it
TBAC in Texas has the same regulation, but no one cares either, one of my favorite uptown spots in Dallas got busted recently though
I spy The Root Cellar in San Marcos
The cable company death march has begun
After reading her rant, I wholeheartedly back the decision made by police
Switch to day drinking and focus more on conversating while you are out, meet more people, form deeper bonds, And still put off being a full fledged adult
This is what I want to be when I grow up