Gin and ginger

Member Since 09/15/2015

  • Gin and ginger 8 years ago on Greg Hardy & The Moral Standards Of Professional Sports

    My great grandmother was beaten by my great grandfather for things like not having his laundry done when he wanted a pair of pants. According to what I know about her, she was a meek, quiet, stoic little woman who never had a bad thing to say about anyone, and he was a bully, so he beat the crap out of her because he knew he could take out all of his life’s frustrations. My grandfather beat my grandmother and his own son near to death for things like spending too much money on summer camp, and when the cops came, my uncle refused to send his father to jail. Hey that’s just my experience, it doesn’t apply to every case, but I think domestic violence is much more complicated than what you’re thinking of. Maybe you aren’t like this so you can’t imagine being angry enough to hit a woman without a reason like infidelity or her hitting you first, but I think plenty of men out there are way, way different.

    Also though love dogs, hate what Vick did.

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  • Gin and ginger 8 years ago on Greg Hardy & The Moral Standards Of Professional Sports

    …what? these kinds of comments are terrifying to me. You really think its worse to kill a dog than to potentially kill a woman?? Two sides to a fight?? These guys are humongous and could easily kill most of the women they date with a single blow to the head that lands in the right place. Two sides to a fight… I’m sure your dog pisses you off, but do you beat the shit out of it?

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  • Gin and ginger 9 years ago on The Worst Thing Guys Do While Texting

    I don’t think the blame falls on one sex, men and women (perhaps mostly women) raise girls and boys to have certain ideas about themselves, and women are not benefitting from that sort of socialization. Whether it’s telling women that they can just rely on their husband’s to make money, telling them they aren’t good at math, allowing them to be dependent for longer… It’s a grand systemic issue that results in nearly half our population not living up to their productive potential, which is a negative for the entire society.

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