GA Deadhead

Doesn't give a FUCK!!! Well, most of the time anyway...

Member Since 09/13/2016

  • GA Deadhead 8 years ago on I'm In A Slump And I Can't Seem To Find A Way Out

    This is a no brainer, Fuckface dude is her old hookup from earlier in the year that treated her like shit & had just made the midweek call after she made plans with you & she bit. Obviously You hadn’t sealed the deal yet. I suggest a couple hookers & a large pile of your favorite powdered substance. Might not be some “freebie” from the bar to build your confidence, but You need a pick Me up 1st, & what’s better than being high as hell & commanding a couple “go get’rs” to do as you wish in order to cleanse the mind. In My humble opinion anyway…

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