Here’s where you can separate your audience based upon their maturity. Most of the readers have full time jobs and are sitting here thinking wow that was a pretty horrific dumb thing to do. Then there’s people like me who also work themselves into the grave but read this and thought “hahaha that’s pretty funny, the 4th is almost here I should probably start stocking up on some fireworks soon”.
Good point I just get frustrated when I see things like this all over the media but not a single view from an economist. But again that would be making too much sense.
This whole topic is incredibly stupid. $15 is a nominal number, and a few years down the line you’ll have the same issue of “you can’t support a family on $15 an hour” because of inflation. You need to be fighting to have your wage pegged to the CPI, that way it actually holds value over time.
I’d say the lack of tools is the major issue, most online services (scottrade, etrade, etc…) have powerful tools you can use to manage your risk while also looking at a company’s financial statements, on top of the tax reporting services. If you’re blindly buying stocks because you think it’s a good idea, that’s essentially gambling. Also, do you really trust all your private information (Social Security and Account Numbers) to an app that doesn’t charge anything?
Probably coming off like an asshole here but I think the girl kind of screwed herself…if you didn’t want to pay don’t offer, and if you’re only turn off is that he didn’t give you a free meal sorry but you’re the asshole.
The Bellini needs to be on here…all the fun of a mimosa but looks slightly more sophisticated.
Didn’t you just write an article complaining about a friend who talks too much while watching sporting events?
Honestly all of these “styles” look like they’re straight out of the 1960’s. I hate hippies, all they do is smoke pot and smell bad.
Here’s where you can separate your audience based upon their maturity. Most of the readers have full time jobs and are sitting here thinking wow that was a pretty horrific dumb thing to do. Then there’s people like me who also work themselves into the grave but read this and thought “hahaha that’s pretty funny, the 4th is almost here I should probably start stocking up on some fireworks soon”.
No mention of Brazil losing to Peru?
can we get the tech guy to ban these accounts already?
Good point I just get frustrated when I see things like this all over the media but not a single view from an economist. But again that would be making too much sense.
This whole topic is incredibly stupid. $15 is a nominal number, and a few years down the line you’ll have the same issue of “you can’t support a family on $15 an hour” because of inflation. You need to be fighting to have your wage pegged to the CPI, that way it actually holds value over time.
I’d say the lack of tools is the major issue, most online services (scottrade, etrade, etc…) have powerful tools you can use to manage your risk while also looking at a company’s financial statements, on top of the tax reporting services. If you’re blindly buying stocks because you think it’s a good idea, that’s essentially gambling. Also, do you really trust all your private information (Social Security and Account Numbers) to an app that doesn’t charge anything?
To clarify, my grandparents all passed on before I was born or old enough to remember them. Wasn’t trying to be a dick.
Can’t cherish grandparents you’ve never met.
Dillon’s over here like

No mention of the fact that Manziel was indicted over the weekend?
This is why I hate rap.
Probably coming off like an asshole here but I think the girl kind of screwed herself…if you didn’t want to pay don’t offer, and if you’re only turn off is that he didn’t give you a free meal sorry but you’re the asshole.
On this week’s edition of “You’re Wrong” here’s some graphs and facts and stuff.
1. Barcelona uses the same time zone as Berlin even though it should be in line with London. Their clocks are pretty screwed up so not necessarily the fault of napping.
2. There have been numerous studies done on the cognitive benefits of napping in the middle of the day.

This column series is just weird.
Doesn’t matter, had sex.