I’m personally of the mindset that you should do whatever the hell makes you happy. If that includes raging on the weekend with the crew, send it. If you’re looking to settle down, do that. But I don’t feel there is a need to define a certain age for when either necessarily needs to happen.
I went back and looked. You Sir, have lied.
Would we finally find out what Girl’s real name is?
““Fuck,” he muttered.” Me too, Todd.
I thought the great pizza debate involved Pineapple? Have we come to the conclusion that it does not belong yet?
As a longtime Duda supporter, I can’t help but notice that your recent articles feel too much like click bait. You’re better than that.
I’m personally of the mindset that you should do whatever the hell makes you happy. If that includes raging on the weekend with the crew, send it. If you’re looking to settle down, do that. But I don’t feel there is a need to define a certain age for when either necessarily needs to happen.
“Or it’s gonna go down in flames.” Keyword flames for that little bit of hate.
okay but like you’re not supposed to talk about it
No. Usually when it’s time to do laundry. Blame it on the cat. Haven’t burned myself yet. Literally everywhere.
Dating Playbook: Homemade Chex Mix ??
Would, would you like a hug?
Anyone else a little hot and bothered by that second food paragraph fuck
Who hurt you man? What’s her name?
Seriously, why did they even have you in a crate in the first place? You deserve better.
This is a take I can get behind
He feeds off these insults. The best response for Duda is just silence, it’ll drive him insane.
I’ve been doing my best to relay this same advice to my friends, but you did a much better job of it. Couldn’t agree more.
Never change.
If drinking scotch is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Someone seems to be cutting onions near my desk as well