Dr. Saymore

Member Since 03/16/2017

  • Dr. Saymore 7 years ago on Your Guide For How To Pop The Question

    I know this must be very difficult for you. Tell me more about what happened.

    Rose: He wanted to do anal, but didn’t bring any goddamn lube. So I noped the hell outta there and let him sink to the bottom of the ocean.


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  • Dr. Saymore 7 years ago on A Dude's Breakdown of "The Bachelor" Finale

    Nick, it appears that your “taste” in women has a lot to do with your childhood upbringing. Since you were born into such a large family, it’s not surprising that you received very limited attention from your mother – she was busy with your other siblings and could not be entirely devoted to you. You probably felt that she pushed you away, both in the physical and emotional sense. Due to these experiences in your childhood, you subconsciously seek women who exhibit similar behavior. You might even be attracted to women who push you away. Conversely, if a woman expresses her devotion to you, then you get startled because you’ve never experienced this before and have no idea how to deal with it. You feel “safer” with a woman who is emotionally unavailable.

    -turns to Vanessa-

    I don’t know what’s wrong with you.

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