Had a conversation in a 30 minute Uber to work one morning about how there was a recently discovered planet several light years away that is similar to Earth (according to the Uber driver). He took this as it was heaven and God put it very far away so we would be unable to physically reach it. It was a different conversation in an Uber. -other Atlanta Uber rider.
Private practice in healthcare is a lot more sales/marketing than you’d imagine. Have to prove why you’re better than the office down the road, why you charge more for this or that, why you aren’t open 24 hours and 7 days a week, why you don’t accept this insurance, etc. All jobs are sales – if it’s a product or yourself vs someone else – you’re selling something.
A little over 3 years out and I still ask myself these questions. When you get comfortable and think you’ve got it covered is when it bites you in the ass. Being complacent in your field is being dead and useless. The unnerving feeling that you might not always be right is what will make you a great doctor – searching for the right answer is what will make you a great man.
Solid writing as always. I don’t post much but I make it a point to read what you put out every week. You’ve got your finger on what I – if not most other people our age – are slowing realizing. If you find yourself in Atlanta, first round is on me.
Also, wanna share that jerky recipe? Have 3 deer sitting in the freezer now.
“that circuit routine you saw in Men’s Health that requires you to use seven different pieces of gym equipment consecutively with no rest” <fuck this guy. Hey bro, didn't you see my towel on that? Asshat.
Had a conversation in a 30 minute Uber to work one morning about how there was a recently discovered planet several light years away that is similar to Earth (according to the Uber driver). He took this as it was heaven and God put it very far away so we would be unable to physically reach it. It was a different conversation in an Uber. -other Atlanta Uber rider.
Private practice in healthcare is a lot more sales/marketing than you’d imagine. Have to prove why you’re better than the office down the road, why you charge more for this or that, why you aren’t open 24 hours and 7 days a week, why you don’t accept this insurance, etc. All jobs are sales – if it’s a product or yourself vs someone else – you’re selling something.
I enjoy her misery.
Ha! But at least now you understand why acid rain always follows Taco Tuesday.
I was told long ago that girls don’t poop, they fluff – and that’s where clouds come from. Don’t ruin this for me, please.
I’d like to see this pitched on Shark Tank just to see the sharks tear them apart. Or buy it and fail miserably.
Caroline hates Her too.
A little over 3 years out and I still ask myself these questions. When you get comfortable and think you’ve got it covered is when it bites you in the ass. Being complacent in your field is being dead and useless. The unnerving feeling that you might not always be right is what will make you a great doctor – searching for the right answer is what will make you a great man.
“I didn’t get a degree in marketing and a minor in fashion to sell clothes” That’s exactly what those degrees are for.
Don’t do it!
Solid writing as always. I don’t post much but I make it a point to read what you put out every week. You’ve got your finger on what I – if not most other people our age – are slowing realizing. If you find yourself in Atlanta, first round is on me.
Also, wanna share that jerky recipe? Have 3 deer sitting in the freezer now.
Just go to sleep Todd…it’s all a bad dream.
“that circuit routine you saw in Men’s Health that requires you to use seven different pieces of gym equipment consecutively with no rest” <fuck this guy. Hey bro, didn't you see my towel on that? Asshat.
Walked 15 minutes off Broadway in Nashville and got the cab for $35, for a 5 minute ride.