Dr. Barbie

Member Since 10/09/2017

  • Dr. Barbie 6 years ago on Mailbag: A Fiancé Who Looks At Other Girls' Nudies, Drunk Alter Egos, And Making The Most Of College

    To the girl with the fiancé: some people really do just want to mess with people on tinder. I personally got tinder when I was in a 4 year relationship just as a social experiment (also because I missed the whole dating app phase and I wanted to know what “swiping right” meant). I never actually messaged with any of the guys, but seeing myself get matches was a nice ego boost. And I showed my boyfriend all the funny pick ups lines I received. He was very aware of the whole thing and didn’t care. It genuinely was as innocent as that. I probably kept it up a couple weeks. However, given the other behavior you have described, it does sound like a red flag. If he really wants to “mess with people” he will have no problem including you in the joke.

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  • Dr. Barbie 7 years ago on Riding In The Front Seat Of An Uber — Normal Or Psychotic?

    I’ve never considered sitting in the back seat of an Uber. I don’t think it’s safe for a woman to ride alone in the back seat, it puts her at a psychological disadvantage. You have to sit up front, look your driver in the eye, and command the conversation so he knows you’re not a good victim. And for all these people saying Uber drivers don’t like to talk: how else am I supposed to ascertain if my driver is a psycho who is taking me somewhere to cut out my heart? Gotta be smart people.

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  • Dr. Barbie 7 years ago on The Struggles Of Living With A Low Alcohol Tolerance

    I blacked out at dinner with my mother in law this weekend after drinking 2.5 glasses of wine. Being a lightweight is a real problem when you’re trying to befriend the in-laws but have to continually turn down drinks because you’re drunk and they aren’t even buzzed yet.

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