A BK has the basic necessities to transition into a McD’s, Wendy’s, anything more relevant/consistent… WNBA team is only worth whatever ‘end-of-their-career’ bands you can get to play at the stadium. My money’s on BK
I knew you wrote this just from the title… I think it’s the lack of originality that has everyone on the #FireKendra train. Mix it up a little, go out on a limb, its a big world out there and awkward dating/hooking up interactions are only a part of it. Spread your wings and fly!
All hater comments aside, you are right about the Atlanta airport and 45 minutes… give me a damn walking option between terminals! Shouldn’t have to wait for a train to take me 100 feet from A to B
Playing the long game
Don’t be that guy
Sounds like you need to find yourself a new state
But we all know how that would end…
A BK has the basic necessities to transition into a McD’s, Wendy’s, anything more relevant/consistent… WNBA team is only worth whatever ‘end-of-their-career’ bands you can get to play at the stadium. My money’s on BK
Asking around to get a feel for your new environment. PGP.
I’ve added plain Greek to scrambled eggs. Makes ’em cloud fluffy. Also, never seen GoT either – stay strong, Squints.
are you sure it wasnt “2x” chicks and a “15x” year franchise on madden?
I was once taken on a “what do you need?” trip through Costco. Never been so excited about paper towels and detergent in my life.
I knew you wrote this just from the title… I think it’s the lack of originality that has everyone on the #FireKendra train. Mix it up a little, go out on a limb, its a big world out there and awkward dating/hooking up interactions are only a part of it. Spread your wings and fly!
1989 is the only thing encouraging me to do any real work today…
No, there is literally no choice… you HAVE to stand and wait for the train… its unbelievable I know but also the entire reason why it is so ridiculous
*Concourse… not terminal
All hater comments aside, you are right about the Atlanta airport and 45 minutes… give me a damn walking option between terminals! Shouldn’t have to wait for a train to take me 100 feet from A to B
Just gotta own it
Alternative Title: “I Regret Becoming a Hipster and Having to Deal with One-Night-Stands with Other Hipsters”
Or use all the tp and not replace the roll because I know you know where the stock is kept