This isn’t a free market issue, since there are other streaming platforms, BUT this is a societal issue. He isn’t obligated but he is going to run into this issue sooner or later and he’s on the losing end.
Bull fucking shit. While I agree that he’s not obligated, my wife watches and (gasp) converses with male gamers and watches streams and I could care less if she wanted to stream with male gamers. That’s the great thing about being an adult.
If it weren’t for my hours being cut and the fact I may have to buy a new car to replace my perfectly good one that a guy in a H2 decided to try to make his hood ornament, I’d go, the lineup this year looks lit.
Thanks for asking Dorn! So I’ll be starting off tomorrow with some SkyFit at the local trampoline park and then I’m going to swing by a couple of job fairs before work.
Not entirely sure what the plan will be for Sunday.
I shifted from dating 20 somethings that mainly didn’t have jobs or aspirations to early 30 somethings(I was 28 at the time.) 3rd date was my wife.
We recently changed pastors from a vibrant but older female pastor to a dull traditionalist older female pastor. Yup, I’d consider it.
That honor goes to Ihop.
This isn’t a free market issue, since there are other streaming platforms, BUT this is a societal issue. He isn’t obligated but he is going to run into this issue sooner or later and he’s on the losing end.
Bull fucking shit. While I agree that he’s not obligated, my wife watches and (gasp) converses with male gamers and watches streams and I could care less if she wanted to stream with male gamers. That’s the great thing about being an adult.
Wait a minute.. Megan is my wife’s name!
Stan’s Donuts 5k tomorrow morning!
Running the Stan’s donuts 5K Montrose Harbor on Saturday. Not sure what Sunday will bring yet. Working Saturday night.
Oh snap!
As Bugs Bunny would say “what a maroon!”
As Bugs Bunny would say: “What a maroon!”
I’ve not gotten that lucky to have in-unit but in-building>Laundromat. But wife does the laundry at her mother’s.
If it weren’t for my hours being cut and the fact I may have to buy a new car to replace my perfectly good one that a guy in a H2 decided to try to make his hood ornament, I’d go, the lineup this year looks lit.
I’ve lived my 32 years in the Chicago metro area, have never been to Lollapalooza, not sure if I’d ever want to go.
Congratulations on the pupper!
Thanks for asking Dorn! So I’ll be starting off tomorrow with some SkyFit at the local trampoline park and then I’m going to swing by a couple of job fairs before work.
Not entirely sure what the plan will be for Sunday.
Now don’t screw this up Eric.
A Duda take I can get behind.