Between the wife, the 40 pound Australian cattle dog, and the 110 pound Labrador, guess which takes up the most space and elbows me….(hint: it’s the first one)
A car guy will know that AMGs are still expensive as fuck, the superchargers are a nightmare with maintenance. And the only affordable AMGs are the high mileage ones.
Went all in on a nice trimmer. Since I’ve been able to grow one since 17 #humblebrag. It’s got Several beard settings, making it easy to micromanage that face sweater.
FYI Miatas make perfect starter race cars. Not ricers. But legit on track racing
Thanks god for cheap rent in the suburbs.
Damn. Okay now he just sounds like an asshole lol
Between the wife, the 40 pound Australian cattle dog, and the 110 pound Labrador, guess which takes up the most space and elbows me….(hint: it’s the first one)
That’s my heelers routine. Every morning, 4am food and poop. And back to bed. You get used to it.
Houstons awesome. Don’t have to deal with that white bullshit called snow, and gas is 1.65/gallon. Seems pretty good to me
According to Goldman Sachs I’m already ahead of the curve. Thanks cheap tequila and dollar taco night for helping on that “college thing”
Being able to shop at Williams-Sonoma without taking out a second mortgage
Monthly cortisone injections in the shoulder since 22. It’s all downhill
For real. Him and biggio were two of the best run scoring combos in the game for ten years. Have a feeling Billy Wagner will get the same treatment.
Damn. This broad is cold. I like her
Watching Bagwell not being able to throw back to the pitcher from first was soul crushing.
Kind of thought this was common sense. Except for the farting. I will always fart at a urinal instead of the cubical graveyard. I’m not a monster
Solid article.
But seriously, who did Todd bang?
Agreed Goode company is garbage. Harris County Smokehouse and Carl’s BBQ are damn good, if you’re anywhere near cypress.
Dang. Wallowing in self-pity didn’t make the list.
Don’t have snow, but hell yes with keeping the Jeep. Just bought one. Love it.
A car guy will know that AMGs are still expensive as fuck, the superchargers are a nightmare with maintenance. And the only affordable AMGs are the high mileage ones.
Went all in on a nice trimmer. Since I’ve been able to grow one since 17 #humblebrag. It’s got Several beard settings, making it easy to micromanage that face sweater.