I didn’t drink at all yesterday. This morning I feel like a million bucks, that I’ll probably never have. PGP.
When the boss is away, the interns get paid. With extra work, the interns get paid with more of my work. PGP.
Paying for your unemployed friends bar tab, because it’s the right thing to do. PGP.
I’m not hungover today. This is weird. PGP.
The only other employee under 40 just quit. PGP.
It’s Friday and I’m here. That should be good enough. PGP.
I got Kentucky taking it in all of my brackets. PGP.
My coworker nicknamed his cubicle the “Thunder Dome” and lets everyone know it. PGP.
The new secretary is a snaggletooth. PGP.
I’m the epitome of average. PGP.