
Member Since 05/27/2014

“Work” for the next two days.

Regretting the obligatory “If you have any questions, please let me know” after someone emails you back with a question. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Taking a nap on the floor of your office instead of taking a lunch break. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Flirting with the call center lady who is sending me a new credit card because she’s the only woman I’ve talked to all day. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Weighing the price of attending a wedding against how much their friendship means to you. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Batteries in my mouse died. Guess it’s time to go home. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Frantically trying to remember whose card you’re signing, even though it won’t change the generic message of “Good luck.” PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Watching so much Netflix on a three day weekend that you actually start to miss work. PGP.

Post Grad Problems