Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

FRIDAY DIMEBAG: Is It Okay For Guys To Sit Down To Pee?

These Are The Most Inappropriate Questions Redditors Have Been Asked During A Job Interview

RDJ one of the greats. From the video description: “Robert Downey Jr. and Albert Manero, a #CollectiveProject student who founded Limbitless, surprised a very special child with a new bionic 3D printed arm at no cost to the family.” Now, that’s charity.

Robert Downey Jr. Makes An Armless Little Boy’s Day By Giving Him A Bionic Arm From Stark Industries

What You Need In Your March Madness Prep Kit

In case you were wondering, yes that is Stephen Colbert’s voice in the background.

This Is The Earliest Known Video Footage Of Steve Carell At The Second City In Chicago

There’s A Serial Pooper On The Loose In Ohio

The Real Michael Bolton Does The Best Michael Bolton Scenes From “Office Space”

The Dirty Old Man’s Guide To Creeping On Spring Break Pictures

Robbie Sherrard 2016.

Men Don’t Know How To Say Hello To Women

Worst thing ever. It has NOTHING to do with farming! END IT NOW.

“Last Week Tonight” Exposes Daylight Saving Time For The Bullshit Thing It Is