Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

GOP Presidential Candidate Boasts About Never Sending An Email

The PGP Friday Happy Hour Playlist

This is just really touching.

Watch This Beautiful Moment As A Father Of Four Hears Silence For The First Time

FRIDAY DIMEBAG: Am I Too Old For Spring Break?

TV Studio Throws It Live To “Traffic Jam Jimmy” Trying To Order A Filet-O-Fish At McDonalds

Adam Sandler Tells Hilarious Story About Having Dinner With Michael Keaton And Chris Farley

Relive Your Spring Break Memories With The Panama City Holiday Inn Pool Deck Live Feed

One sec, booking a ticket to Cuba.

Conan Drank A Ton Of Rum In Cuba, Makes Cuba Look Awesome

Stop playing games. Tell them how you feel.

How Hard Is It To Just Tell Someone You Want To Have Sex With Them?

Lazy Ass Boston Woman Uses Tinder To Find Someone To Help Her Shovel Out Her Car