Considering quitting my job because I was too busy to read TGDAG this week. PGP.
I’ll never be the first to down vote, but I’ll certainly help pile on. PGP.
Some people have a work wife, I have a work mom. PGP.
Getting the Sunday Scaries even though you haven’t drank in weeks. PGP.
When leaving 5 min later than normal costs you 45 minutes on your commute…PGP.
Why does Tinder still have a “feels like spam” option? It’s always fucking spam. PGP.
Holy shit, I can’t do this for the rest of my life…PGP.
I upvote my own posts…sometimes. PGP.
My boss sent me pictures from his colonoscopy saying “See, told you I wasn’t full of shit” Massive PGP.
Realizing your new Audi expectations just became your used Hyundai reality. PGP.