
Member Since 03/07/2016

  • ace 6 years ago on I Cannot Successfully Meal Prep

    I cook almost every night because it helps me unwind, but I also just don’t want to sometimes, so here’s my unsolicited advice: keep a running list of easy, back pocket recipes for when you either don’t want to eat your prepped food or you just can’t be bothered to take on a new recipe. Cook a couple different things at one time, out of the same protein (ground turkey = stir fry, taco meat, meatballs, stuffed peppers, burgers – you can healthify all these things). Try new recipes semi-regularly. I’m usually more inclined to eat something if it’s not the same old thing I’ve been eating on rotation the last few months. And lastly, freeze a couple servings for later (most Crockpot things can be frozen) – all you have to do is defrost.

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  • ace 6 years ago on Dealing With The Dreaded Infertility Diagnosis

    OMG you are not alone! I just got this same diagnosis about three weeks ago and every single day has been a roller coaster of emotions since. I think the hardest part for me, in this moment, is that a) I need to start really considering my options quickly, and b) I am very, very single, and am worried that I will never find anyone who wants to consider other options than their own biological children, and I can’t blame someone for wanting that. Thank you so much for sharing this.

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