
No booze over 96 calories from May-September. Stay lean, friends.

Member Since 12/19/2017

  • 96Summer 6 years ago on White Claw Is Four Loko For A New Generation

    Had White Claw for the first time while day drinking a few weeks ago, instantly catapulted into a top summer drink alongside Mich Ultra, vodka sodas and Corona Light/Premier (never extra, can’t afford all of those extra cals).

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  • 96Summer 6 years ago on Seven Simple Adult Tasks That I Have No Clue How To Do

    I had never once thought about knowing which direction was which until a month ago when my roommate (who doesn’t know the two sides of the Civil War amongst many other obvious things) called me stupid for not knowing which way we were driving on a random road. I’ve also never mowed a lawn/even popped the hood of my car unless someone told me to.

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  • 96Summer 6 years ago on Mailbag: Bachelor Party Planning Hell, Dating With An Age Gap, And The Worst Fantasy Football Punishment Of All Time

    I think this is the first time I’ve ever commented, but I feel like this question is speaking directly to me. Been dating my girlfriend of three years (one or so in the “real world”) and felt “meh” about it for the last two months or so, we talked about it a few times and I eventually broke up with her (it was very short and we’ve since gotten back together) and realized it was a big-time mistake to just end it without trying anything. I can’t recommend enough the more doing things on weeknights and traveling thing. Even if you’re young, I’d think long and hard before actually ending it because I did not, I just thought of the positives of being single again, which don’t outweigh the positives of a relationship if you really care about the person.

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