My boss wears both the neck piece and belt clip. His 30 some year old stay at home son did the same until recently when he started being social with people again.
Since I’m thinking about going back to school for engineering, I thought I’d ask you a few questions. What kind of engineering field are you in?? And what kind of work do you do??
Better wear both to be safe, don’t want to accidentally get laid.
Dangerous stuff that sex thing.
If you wear those Bluetooth headphones around your neck go kill yourself.
My boss wears both the neck piece and belt clip. His 30 some year old stay at home son did the same until recently when he started being social with people again.
I don’t mind the belt clip, but that’s because I spend most of my day in the factory
Since I’m thinking about going back to school for engineering, I thought I’d ask you a few questions. What kind of engineering field are you in?? And what kind of work do you do??