I happens-once in a blue moon. We offer you a package to quit – in return, you won’t sue, etc. Basically, we like you as a person, but you’re not a good fit at the company or you’re old/near retirement age and you get a retirement package. Hope this isn’t the guy I just gave a package to!
Congrats on this one, but if an HR rep can help out, how does one receive severance for voluntarily leaving their job?
What they meant was “Was laid off and offered a severance package and lucked out with an offer at the same time. PGPowermove”
This is the more likely scenario.
I happens-once in a blue moon. We offer you a package to quit – in return, you won’t sue, etc. Basically, we like you as a person, but you’re not a good fit at the company or you’re old/near retirement age and you get a retirement package. Hope this isn’t the guy I just gave a package to!
Living the fucking dream.
Or they work for Zenefits who just offered employees a healthy severance package if they quit.