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Once you’ve been on the postgrad grind awhile, you’ll start to get in a routine. Don’t get me wrong — a routine is good. Life is better and more efficient with a routine. The madness and unpredictability of college doesn’t work that well once you’ve got to be a decent and productive human being. But, at certain times, you’ll get yourself into a funk. The phrase “same shit, different day” will begin to define your thinking. Even if you’ve got a job that isn’t half bad, having a good time at the usual spots on weekends, and a general lack of stress, eventually you’re going to find yourself in a rut.
Your weeks will start to blur together, and you’ll just start asking yourself, what the hell am I doing? In college, you always had a break or holiday or something big to look forward to. Now you’re Monday-Friday working and same shit on the weekends, and soon enough you’ll start to feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. There’s plenty to enjoy about the real world, but no matter how great your job is, how much you love your kids, or how well your portfolio did last quarter, you’re going to get in a funk that’ll make you ask if this is all there really is in life. Sure, your life is actually still pretty damn good. But you’re just in a rut of doing the same shit and you need something to snap your bitch ass out of it.
Goddammit, it’s time to get the band back together. You don’t have to book a suite in Vegas and break the bank, but shit, hit up your fraternity brothers or old teammates and book a hotel at an Indian Casino next weekend. Nothing will snap you out of a droll routine like trying not to puke on a blackjack table surrounded by a group of friends you haven’t seen in a while. It’s a great change up from the same bar every weekend with the same dickheads. Hell, just take a trip to a different city where a friend lives just to get out of your tractor beam of a life for a bit and throw down your drinks in a different zip code. You’ve had a hell of a lot of success hanging out with these guys in the past; it’s time to reunite and run the world for a weekend.
You’ve got your yearly trips, alumni weekend, weddings, the stuff that you know is on the schedule. You need something spur of the moment (or at least planned a couple weeks in advance) to keep it interesting and keep you young, because if you let yourself get into a funk and don’t make the effort to get yourself out of it, you’ll end up like pre-life revelation Peter Gibbons in Office Space. And let’s face it, if you get in a funk like him, you’re not going to have near that few of fucks to give, or Jennifer Aniston to bail you out of it. It doesn’t really matter what you guys choose to do, whether it’s heading to any sort of sporting event, the previously mentioned casino, or anything in between. The purpose of this is to throw you and your group a change up, because it’s getting old puking behind the same dumpster every single weekend.
If you find your weeks blurring together, fire up the group text and get something brewing. At least one of your friends is living in a decent city with a place big enough to have a few of y’all crash, so make that your base of operations for a weekend of debauchery. The classic theory in sports is that a change of scenery can do a guy some good, and I think this applies with your performance as an “adult” as well. Hopefully, at some point in the future, you’ll actually be successful enough and maybe have the free time, along with your friends, to take a spur of the moment Hangover-style trip to Vegas. But for now, meeting up a few hours away and just getting blasted doing something out of the ordinary is enough to get the momentum going back your way.
You need them, and they need you. Go get the band back together — you’re on a mission from God. .
Image via YouTube
Lets make it happen man.
Madoff’s GIF game is second to none.
Someone forgot about Shibby….
Hi Guys
Just planned one of these for a couple months out. Having something to look forward to definitely helps break up the same shit different day mentality.
Got a wedding this weekend…thanks for getting’ me jacked up
Taking a guys trip up to the deer lease this weekend to “do some work on the lease in preparation for the upcoming season” and I couldn’t be more excited.
Have a fantasy football draft/golf event this weekend held at an Indian Casino. Perfect timing.
Just got back from one of these – saved my sanity