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What we have here may be one of the most over the top yuppie incidents I’ve ever seen. Some wonderful citizen journalist captured this altercation between a guy pushing a baby stroller, apparently with baby inside, and a jogger that talks some serious shit.
We don’t get to see what triggers this verbal explosion, but my bet is that the calm and collected guy pushing his baby in a stroller accidentally bumped the raving madman who then proceeded spin around in circles while holding an open gasoline can before dropping a lit match. Let’s break down some of the highlights.
“Back the fuck off me!”
This is how I imagine most fights in the Northeast start.
“You’re messing with the wrong guy. I fight for a living!”
I haven’t been in a ton of fights, but I’m very familiar with the classic “You’re messing with the wrong guy” tactic. I’d say when someone says that, there’s only a twenty percent chance you are messing with the wrong guy. You have to respect the classic “bark the loudest” strategy, though.
“You’re new in the neighborhood. I’ve been in this neighborhood. The only reason white people like you are living here is because I settled this fucking neighborhood for you,” jogger guy boldly asserts.
That’s pretty big, if true. Thank you for your courage, enraged white jogger living in Brooklyn guy.
“White privilege!”
Whoa, did he just check his privilege? I think he did. He was pushing a stroller. Come on. I’m not completely confident I know how to define white privilege (I’m wearing a Pelican Hill golf polo and have never played the course), but I bet it’s not pushing a stroller. Could be wrong, though.
“You fucking white trash!”
I know white trash, and these people are probably not white trash. I need to check out Brooklyn sometime. .
Image via YouTube
You PC bro?
I had some refreshments and checked your friend’s privilege
PC Texas A&M
If someone set that man on fire and I had a gun and a fire extinguisher, I’d shoot a few holes in the fire extinguisher and then shoot the jogger in both knees. What the fuck is wrong with people?
You might need to talk to someone. That feels like an inappropriate amount of rage for two strangers that you will never know.
Check your privilege. Fratonomics might have been raped by a douchey jogger.
It was a polite jogger.
The cop in this video really kills me… He is obviously not worried about the jogger’s “fighting ability” doing any serious damage.
That jogger needs a good ole fashion ass kicking.
“I settled this place for you!” Is this what it was like when the second group got to to the end of the Oregon Trail and met the first group?
Of course he’s short.