
So, Uh, This Woman Aced A Hole During Her First Golf Lesson Ever

How Hipster Scum Made Me Realize How Much I Hate Driving

Two Chefs On Why Brunch Sucks (And Why You Shouldn’t Listen To Them)

Here’s Your Excuse To Eat All The Cheese You Want Over Thanksgiving

I’m Giving It Hell This Thanksgiving

Touching Base, Episode 54: Twitter Fingers

I Definitely Unknowingly Do A Lot Of Dumb Stuff Because I’m A Generic White Guy

This ‘Hipster Nativity Set’ Is Reserved For Assholes Only

There Are More Details Behind The Possible ‘Wedding Crashers’ Sequel So It’s Officially Time To Get Pumped

To The Little Fucks Who Rang My Doorbell And Ran Off Last Night