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Last Sunday, a popular TV show named Game of Thrones began its seventh season. If you were on social media, the internet, or just alive at all, you probably heard a great deal about it. It’s a show with a wide and varied fan base, and to be honest, it probably seemed like everyone and their mother was talking about. However, the hype around this show also brought out a dark underbelly of society – the Game of Thrones hate group.
I’m not talking about people that don’t watch the show, don’t like the show, or even wish the show should exist. Those are all fine and valid opinions. I’m talking about the people that go out of their way to preach their hatred of the show and shit talk the fans. Seeing people bitterly arguing against the merits of a show they don’t have to watch made me realize that these are the same people that just love to hate things.
It’s not just a popular TV show. It’s your buddy that constantly talks about how “he doesn’t watch the NFL because he’s too cultured to watch grown men hit each other.” It’s your coworker that thinks that “anyone who watches movies with subtitles isn’t a real man.” It’s both the girl that studied abroad and now hates on all things American and it’s the guy who’s never left his home state and thinks all other cultures are dumb. Maybe it’s you. Hell, maybe it’s me.
I’m not saying it’s wrong to not like things or hate on things that are popular. Hell, there’s many things I don’t like that most people do. Cheese. House of Cards. Documentaries. Bicycles and bicyclists alike. I think bacon is overrated. The difference is, I don’t publicly hate these things in an effort to be cool. If someone asks your opinion on something you don’t like, by all means, make your views known. But don’t put others down for liking popular things and talk shit on things others enjoy for the sole purpose of making yourself look cool because it doesn’t work. When I see someone tweet about how much a popular movie sucks, or write a thousand words metaphorically blowing themselves on their “enlightened tastes,” I just see a cranky asshole.
If you go out of your way to talk about how you’re “unique” and “edgy” because you don’t something most people do, all I think is that you’re trying to cover the fact that you don’t actually have a personality. People with personalities care about stuff. They get excited about things they like, talk about what they’ve enjoyed, and try and share that with others. People without personalities just hate on things and make fun of others for being “sheep” in an effort to make themselves seem interesting. Instead of cultivating their interests and finding out what they enjoy, which takes effort, they tear others’ opinions down, which is easy. And it probably works, for a time. Hell, in high school there was no easier way to seem cooler than to be an edgy asshole. Bullies get laid. But the older we get, the less it works.
People don’t want to spend time with people who just hate on things. Adults don’t give a shit about being cool, or whether what they like is popular or not. People want to spend time with people that have interests, pursue those interests, and don’t put others down for having different interests. I’ve had multiple girls tell me that one of the most attractive things a guy can do is be genuinely excited about things he cares about, and I know I’d rather kick it with someone who gets passionate about things rather than just sits around hating on them. So, next time you feel the urge to talk shit about a popular hobby, just talk about something that you care about instead. You’ll be able to feel your personality developing in no time. .
@Will @Dillon
For every hater of Game of Thrones, there are about 15 different people waiting in the wings ready to absolutely skewer you for not watching it.
If they constantly berate you for not watching a show, they too, are haters. When the next book comes out you should read the spark notes and then tell them spoilers every time they try and make fun of you for not watching.
“When the next book comes out”
Bacon overrated? HOW DARE YOU
Think of it this way, that’s more bacon for us! Same goes with the cheese.
What about the one guy in your office who “hates American cinema”?
Fuck that guy with a rusty screwdriver.
I agree with this 100%. Except on jeans, time zones and straws
Time zones?…
I don’t watch the NFL because they took my beloved St. Louis Rams away from me
Same here brother
I feel so bad for fans like you guys. I don’t think anyone in Charlotte would truly miss the panthers so I hope they get taken away and given to a fan base that deserves them.
Vocal hating makes you as cool as Birks & wool socks in Austin
I feel as though this is direct hot take on Duda.
Damn, guess I should have read the comments before posting.
Same with the people who are proudly ignorant of some facet of pop culture. Look, I have seen about 10 minutes of Keeping up with the Kardashians ever, and I’m aware they are a Thing. You aren’t cool when you proclaim you don’t know who they are. Or interjecting when someone says something about Brady (you know, the GOAT) “I don’t know who Tom Brady is.” Yes you do. You DO know who he is. So stop pretending that you don’t, it doesn’t make you cool.
People who say they’ve never seen Star Wars fall in that bucket. Like I get you don’t have to like it, but you’re telling me you haven’t seen at least seen one of the movies in THE biggest film franchise of all time that most of our pop culture references revolve around? You’re trying too hard to be cool.
I have actually never watched any of the Star Wars movies. I am not trying too hard — I’ve just never watched them for some reason.
I’m married to a lady who I found out after we were married had never seen Star Wars. Before Force Awakens came out I asked around trying to find anyone who actually owned the DVDs so we could watch them. Did not find one person out of all the people I knew who were acting like their lives revolved around Star Wars owned the movies.
It is on TV all the time. All the time.
Some of us our poors and don’t have cable. Let me know when it is on Netflix or my cousin’s HBOGO account.
I have literally never seen it on TV and I watch a lot of TV movies. I’ve seen one in theaters, didn’t care for it, so I didn’t watch anymore. Also I don’t think most of our cultural references come from Star Wars.
I was with you until you said bacon was overrated.