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As the premier conspiracy expert/investigative journalist on the internet, I think it is my duty to break down the latest conspiracy that is rocking the web this week.
First off, let’s ask ourselves what we know about Amelia Earhart. Easily the most famous female pilot of all time (non-fiction division, because Denise Richards in “Starship Troopers” holds the fictional distinction. That prom dress. Yowza.), Amelia Earhart tried to be the first woman (or “broad” as they were commonly referred to in the 1930s) to circumnavigate the globe in a plane after becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic. She got lost on July 2, 1937 around the Marshall Islands in the South Pacific and was never heard from again. ALLEGEDLY.
Not so fast. Somebody at the National Archives claims they have found a picture of her ALIVE and well in the Marshall Islands sitting next to a man who looks like her navigator, Fred Noonan. Fred Noonan also holds the distinction of having the most 1930s name ever.
So, what could she be doing in the Marshall Islands, alive? Number one, I’m not entirely sure that’s her. Can’t see her face and I find it interesting that a photo that’s been available in the National Archives for nearly 70 years has somehow surfaced just days before the History Channel is airing a special on Miss Amelia. Hmmm, how so very odd.
I gotta give them credit, these guys really cover all their bases. All the evidence is circumstantial, if you ask me. Let’s see what the executive producer had to say:
The photo shows a Japanese ship, Koshu, towing a barge with something that appears to be 38-feet-long — the same length as Earhart’s plane.
For decades, locals have claimed they saw Earhart’s plane crash before she and Noonan were taken away. Native schoolkids insisted they saw Earhart in captivity. The story was even documented in postage stamps issued in the 1980s.
“We believe that the Koshu took her to Saipan [in the Mariana Islands], and that she died there under the custody of the Japanese,” said Gary Tarpinian, the executive producer of the History special.
The Japanese were absolutely ruthless back then, so I am actually feeling kind of shitty making light of the death of an American legend. However, this story has eyewitness testimony and several dots that can be connected. I’m labeling this as a certifiable conspiracy theory. 100% Bri Guy approved. Rubber stamped hot on the streets. This show had my curiosity, now it has my attention.
The most important facet of this story, in my opinion, is that there are probably all sorts of cool ass photos in the National Archive that might hold clues to America’s greatest unanswered questions that have yet to be uncovered. Hundreds of thousands of images that might unlock the answers to our nation’s deepest mysteries. Who could possibly be the person to take on the task of perusing this massive cache of imagery? It’s not me. I have a job. Can’t take the time off.
This is a job for Benjamin Franklin Gates and the writers of the much anticipated “National Treasure 3.” Get on it. We’ve been waiting too long for the coup de grace of the greatest Disney live action franchise this side of The Mighty Ducks. Get the gang back together and let’s hunt down some gosh dang treasure, one last time. Last Crusade style. Make it happen..
[via NBC News ]
I would low key murder someone if National Treasure 3 would come out tomorrow. I love those movies
There were remains of a white woman matching Earhart’s measurements found on Nikumaroro Island alongside a pocket knife, cosmetics case, and a piece of a navigational system that was used in Earhart’s plane. But it was probably aliens or Nazis.
If we could get National Treasure 3 and a new Mighty Ducks movie in 2018, it could really make next year one for the ages.
It’s like Hollywood will reboot/sequel anything nowadays, but they won’t give us the ones we want… check that, the ones we NEED
The government is in a partnership with Alien beings down in Antarctica. The hollow Earth/hollow Moon/prison planet theory can be correlated to the above facts I just mentioned. If I don’t comment on here in a few days, the government (particularly “The Activity/Majestic 12” with help of the NSA) has killed me. If anyone asks, I heard these facts from Brian who wrote this article so they’ll be going after him too probably. Also NASA in Hebrew means “to deceive” so take that and play with it for a little bit and see how you feel about stuff and life and things
I feel like you’ve got a NY times best selling paperback you could flesh out.
Moved in next to 2 hot neighbors. Lesbians. PGP
I love shit like this. I would have been so good at being one of those over-acting Discovery channel treasure/mystery hunters.
At one point, my Bumble profile was “I watch that second History channel that most people don’t even know exists.”
Amazon Prime has a channel that you can subscribe to that has hundreds of the history channels documentaries- History Vault. It’s pretty awesome.
Damn, I’m about to check that out. I miss old history channel before ancient aliens
They have all of the old documentaries along with some new ones that are pretty good. It’s well worth the investment.
Me after reading this.

I just really love your username
I am 500% here for this. Shit may happen, but she was too good of a pilot to have crashed.
She crashed, buddy.
That’s a weird looking mobile kitchen she was flying.
Yeah I noticed your attempt at humor this morning and soon after realized you’re new here. we don’t take too kindly to your kind. PGP is all about good vibes and what negativity we do have here is usually sarcastic or something we all agree on and has to do with work, post grad life, etc.
I’ve made the mistake of trying to be rude and hateful for a few laughs and let me tell you….it doesn’t work and no one likes it. Hopefully you can change your tune and join DCO Nation and enjoy the content and the community of PGP.
Also, respect women. C’mon man.
Just ask Cube about jokes not going over well.
Wrong site, guy