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Thursdays are my favorite dinner nights. It’s a wildcard. I could be talked into going somewhere, but I’m content with staying in. At this point, I don’t know what the plan is. What I do know is that I’ve got a date with a bench at Gold’s Gym. Let’s pump.
Two questions today: 1.) What’s for dinner? 2.) What time do you stop checking this website?.

Image via YouTube
Big one tonight, David. Fiancé just confessed she’s “so happy” she got her period because she was close to giving me the “I’m late” talk. No baby and of course no sex for a few days means I’m putting on the cutoff sweatpants and eating an entire box of Oreos tonight. Have a blessed evening everyone.
Congrats on the sex
I’ll be printing out and eating all the rejection emails I’ve received this week in an attempt to reverse the power they have on my self esteem. The job hunt is going well.
I will be working until 8 or so then immediately funneling 19 beers into my mouth
The correct response would’ve been, “want to funnel something else in your mouth?”
Please tone this kind of stuff down. I’m not deleting because I want people to see it and be aware that it’s not going to fly in here. I know it’s a joke, but I hear from female members of our community who don’t like seeing this shit.
This is super cool of you, Dave. Much appreciated.
Respect women
Just got that weird “in trouble with your parent” feeling reading through that.
Really didn’t enjoy the tone on that Dave. Killed my vibe of freedom.
Fuck you Dave. Bill Nye’s comment was a joke and a pretty damn tame one considering i read it on the internet. I have been subjected to the verbal diharrea your female writers (almost talking exclusively about quinn) churn out. Leave the comments unadultered. Its the only real writing on this site. Again, fuck you.
No, dude. Fuck you.
Tell ’em Dave. Everyone knows it was a joke, but it’s just like the guy bragging about “gettin puss” at a party. Crass and awkward, and it isn’t going to impress one solitary female on this green earth.
Bill Nye, always innovative.
Dave, I’m happy to announce the wife is making her mom’s meatloaf recipe tonight. Mashed potatoes and green beans on the side, leftover birthday cake for dessert. Color me motherfucking pumped.
Bumble date. Fifth one in the past two weeks. Greasy food and beer kinda girl. Sounds like a keeper.
Hell yea man! Sounds like you’re crushing right now, good luck with the post dinner activities
Your boy just got a huge promotion (out of the blue). So I don’t know what’s for dinner yet, but I know I’ll be treating myself.
Making Jell-O shots tonight for a party this weekend, so Jell-O I guess.
Steak and eggs, David. These gains won’t make themselves.
Well Dave, I’m making fresh guac, salsa, Spanish rice, side salad, pork tamales (homemade by mom and me and frozen) and a chili mole sauce to go on top the tamales. It’s all being washed down with Shiner.
You’re mom sounds like an angel. I too have frozen, homemade tamales that a wonderful lady makes once a year and takes orders for only 3 days.
My mother is a Saint. I can only hope to be half the woman and cook that she is.
You won’t be
Continuing my free dinner streak I started yesterday and gonna grab a free Potbelly sandwich. Complementary with the app download.
Keep it up, Ham.
Is it wrong that I have the biggest crush in this account? Benny the Jet Rodriguez
It’d only be wrong if you didn’t