
Member Since 10/14/2016

  • wishdog 6 years ago on Welp, I'm In On Fortnite

    I have one exactly one solo game also. Once I was in the final two, I fell out of my little three block tall tower and couldn’t get back in so I just hid behind it. Conveniently, the other guy thought he’d be clever and sneak up on me. But he assumed I was in my tower. So I shot him. (Only person I killed that game.) Hell yeah, rock that umbrella.

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  • wishdog 7 years ago on Is It Weird That I Listen To The Same Song On Repeat At Work?

    I’ve listened to the song “Gebirge” by Pete Namlook on repeat for about a half year at work once. I worked in total isolation in a building that was falling apart as a “forgotten” analyst. I transferred to another building that actually had people in it rather than just mice and computers. (Spotify doesn’t have it. Hmm.)

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