
Member Since 12/27/2013

  • WhyAmIInSoEarly 11 years ago on This Perfectly Sums Up The Problem With Student Debt in America

    Forgo your $5 Starbucks drink and use a cheaper phone contract. Don’t get just a Liberal Arts degree and maybe stay in Friday/Saturday nights.

    Be responsible at paying your loan payments and bills first, save 10% of your paychecks, and contribute to your 401k (assuming you’ve worked hard to get to a good job, regardless of job market). The government says “fuck you”, because history has shown that “people” aren’t responsible.

    Research further and see that when you’ve saved up enough money, to find proper investments. Market grows well enough each year, even with the bubbles, that you can successfully retire early. As long as you’ve been responsible and organized for your future.

    Don’t be a baby, be an adult.

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  • WhyAmIInSoEarly 11 years ago on What It's Like To Be 24 And Unemployed

    I think your first problem would be that you drive past all those people, apart from the businessmen (maybe it’s because they’re men), and want to ask them the wrong question. First ask them, how many of you have college degrees. If you simply want a job, go to the local McDonalds. They will most probably hire you, over some degenerate from the street corner or highschool kid, mainly because you will at least have a work ethic.

    Out of college, I worked at a local hotel while doing exactly what you did, and now I’ve begun my ascent into my lovely career. At least at the hotel, I impressed my managers so that I was making at least $12.25 an hour, so I could get by and save money.

    Statistics have shown that the job market is improving and as Generation X gets closer to the nursing home (my parents have already talked about what I HAVE to do for that day, I’m only 23), Generation Y is on the rise.

    But you’ve said you refuse to do that? In short then, the problem still is you. While you look good on paper, something YOU’RE not doing is stopping you. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and work in an environment that you are way overqualified for. Just as an interim though. Then you focus on honing your skills and learn to sell yourself at every interview you get. You may feel that you’re perfect for everything, but there’s always a bigger fish. That hiring manager decided that another person was much better than you.

    No one, with a desired College Degree (excluded anthropology and other liberal majors) should ever be unemployed that long out of school. Find at least some shit-stain-on-the-underpants-of-life job for some income and stay working. Don’t spend $150,000 in schooling or more schooling just because of your lack of effort right out of college. Life Sucks, get over it.

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