
Ex-equities trader, enjoys free golf tournaments, sketchy happy hours, and soft intramural basketball defense. Current small town financial advisor trying to stave off depression.

Member Since 04/03/2014

  • WallSt2DadsBasement 10 years ago on Here's The 20-Minute Fight Between Two CEOs That Stopped Trading At The NYSE Yesterday

    Finally someone addresses HFT and calls it what it is… Criminal. Skimming transactions and littering the marketplace with orders that they have zero intention of filling is not “adding liquidity” it is gaming the system.

    BATS and others have cozied up to the HFT factories to get paid on their trade volume, and who can blame em? Just don’t blame the rest of the world when they leave your exchange for a free marketplace. And yes I’m still bitter about HFT ruining my trading career.

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