Yes. Way more inspirational than someone who actually had to work and fight tooth and nail to get to the top. I find people who are simply handed things without having to work very hard for their “leg up” to be more inspiration than mother freaking Theresa.
Sure. She’s perfect and infallible and peoples disdain for her has nothing to do with her faux feminism, where she claims women have to support other women no matter what…until they cross her, then she writes diss tracks and creates videos about them do daring to hire the same people she did…or if they date your ex, then feminism is out the window and you should feel free to slut shame them. And you can also claim to be a feminist even if you don’t talk about feminist issues like reproductive rights, sexual assault, equal pay for regular women who are in the trenches, working to feed their families. Also, you can’t say anything bad about Taylor. Because she never says anything bad about anyone ever. Unless you count all of the songs she wrote trashing her exes. But she’s the only one allowed to be critical of other people, not the other way around. And also, it’s totally ok to unapologetically romanticize colonial era Africa even though it was a period of time that stands for the mass genocide, enslavement and cultural annihilation of native Africans. But she gave the proceeds to Africa. African animals. Not the people who actually continue to suffer from the effects of that colonialism she found romantic enough to be the center of her video, but yeah. Totally still hating myself. Just curious, she’s so vocal about her battles against Apple and Spotify, when she gave money to Kesha, why didn’t she get vocal about the cruel misogyny of the industry and make a statement about how important it is to support victims of sexual assault? Seems like a really “feminist” thing to do but she just seemed to toss a check to make herself look good. And you know what’s really odd? The fact that when she initially said “no such conversation existed” with Kanye and she changed her “narrative” to maintain her “poor victim” status then continues to play the victim and never is forced to be accountable for her actions or take responsibility because her fans somehow believe she’s a perfect infallible deity who can do no wrong. If you are critical of their dear TayLord in any way, you are a horrible, unhappy person who hates yourself and you’re nothing but a mean bully. Or you’re sexist. Or you’re a reverse racist. Or you kick puppies in your spare time. It’s kind of scary how cult-like the mindset of her followers are. Really awesome message to send to young people, especially girls, everywhere- you’re not allowed to have a differing opinion of the popular girl everyone loves or else you’ll be alienated and bullied. This is a girl who was so anti-bullying but now her followers will harass anyone who even makes a joke at her expense. We joke about all celebrities but she is too good and pure to be the butt of jokes. (Sorry, if Meryl Streep and George Clooney can be good sports about jokes and Taylor can’t, that just shows a lack of maturity and how insecure she is.) The biggest gripe I have with her is the fact that she’s teaching young women that feminism is little more than hanging out with popular girls, making lots of money and invoking the word “feminism” as a self defense mechanism any time someone dare have a less than positive opinion about you. She was born and raised rich, she only got a record deal because her daddy bought a record company and she’s basically never been told no. She went straight from being a spoiled daddy’s girl who never gets told no to being a spoiled girl whose “yes” people never have to tell her no. She has never had to emotionally mature or be accountable for her actions. She has mastered the art of image manipulation and has managed to brainwash millions into believing she’s so perfect, you should not and could not dislike her unless you yourself are a terrible person. I understand you think she’s a deity who is the embodiment of white American perfection, but I think her exclusionary faux feminism and hypocrisy is pretty off-putting.
Yes. Way more inspirational than someone who actually had to work and fight tooth and nail to get to the top. I find people who are simply handed things without having to work very hard for their “leg up” to be more inspiration than mother freaking Theresa.
Sure. She’s perfect and infallible and peoples disdain for her has nothing to do with her faux feminism, where she claims women have to support other women no matter what…until they cross her, then she writes diss tracks and creates videos about them do daring to hire the same people she did…or if they date your ex, then feminism is out the window and you should feel free to slut shame them. And you can also claim to be a feminist even if you don’t talk about feminist issues like reproductive rights, sexual assault, equal pay for regular women who are in the trenches, working to feed their families. Also, you can’t say anything bad about Taylor. Because she never says anything bad about anyone ever. Unless you count all of the songs she wrote trashing her exes. But she’s the only one allowed to be critical of other people, not the other way around. And also, it’s totally ok to unapologetically romanticize colonial era Africa even though it was a period of time that stands for the mass genocide, enslavement and cultural annihilation of native Africans. But she gave the proceeds to Africa. African animals. Not the people who actually continue to suffer from the effects of that colonialism she found romantic enough to be the center of her video, but yeah. Totally still hating myself. Just curious, she’s so vocal about her battles against Apple and Spotify, when she gave money to Kesha, why didn’t she get vocal about the cruel misogyny of the industry and make a statement about how important it is to support victims of sexual assault? Seems like a really “feminist” thing to do but she just seemed to toss a check to make herself look good. And you know what’s really odd? The fact that when she initially said “no such conversation existed” with Kanye and she changed her “narrative” to maintain her “poor victim” status then continues to play the victim and never is forced to be accountable for her actions or take responsibility because her fans somehow believe she’s a perfect infallible deity who can do no wrong. If you are critical of their dear TayLord in any way, you are a horrible, unhappy person who hates yourself and you’re nothing but a mean bully. Or you’re sexist. Or you’re a reverse racist. Or you kick puppies in your spare time. It’s kind of scary how cult-like the mindset of her followers are. Really awesome message to send to young people, especially girls, everywhere- you’re not allowed to have a differing opinion of the popular girl everyone loves or else you’ll be alienated and bullied. This is a girl who was so anti-bullying but now her followers will harass anyone who even makes a joke at her expense. We joke about all celebrities but she is too good and pure to be the butt of jokes. (Sorry, if Meryl Streep and George Clooney can be good sports about jokes and Taylor can’t, that just shows a lack of maturity and how insecure she is.) The biggest gripe I have with her is the fact that she’s teaching young women that feminism is little more than hanging out with popular girls, making lots of money and invoking the word “feminism” as a self defense mechanism any time someone dare have a less than positive opinion about you. She was born and raised rich, she only got a record deal because her daddy bought a record company and she’s basically never been told no. She went straight from being a spoiled daddy’s girl who never gets told no to being a spoiled girl whose “yes” people never have to tell her no. She has never had to emotionally mature or be accountable for her actions. She has mastered the art of image manipulation and has managed to brainwash millions into believing she’s so perfect, you should not and could not dislike her unless you yourself are a terrible person. I understand you think she’s a deity who is the embodiment of white American perfection, but I think her exclusionary faux feminism and hypocrisy is pretty off-putting.