TheCEO 8 years ago on Never in my life needed TUMS until today. PGP. Briefcase too! 1 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on 90 degrees. 90% humidity. Work attire. PGP. I started wearing a bathing suit to work. 7 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on "Looks like you got some sun." PGP. “No it’s just my elevated blood pressure from dealing with people like you all day.” 5 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Just spent my morning creating fake meetings on my Outlook calendar for Friday so people can't hijack it with their bullshit. PGP. This is definitely a PGPM. 47 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on My colleague told me that I can do better than my current company and to "dream big." PGP. If only dreaming about that new job would get us there. 8 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on I've started getting irrationally angry at emails that do not have easy to read fonts. PGP. Wow. 18 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Setting up my trust. I have no kids and I am unmarried. PGP. To keep future exes prying hands off the money. 6 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on "Let's discuss offline" - said during an in-person meeting. PGP. I would probably start laughing. 3 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on My cubicle reeks of coffee and sadness. PGP. At 5 we’re allowed to leave the cubicle farm and drink beer until Sunday. 20 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Boss tried to "updog" me this morning. PGP. Gonna have to go to urban dictionary to decipher this. Am I getting that old? -11 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Boss went on paternity leave this week. His entire workload was given to me. PGP. Then his job. 23 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Single Ply Toliet Paper. PGP. I’ll raise you, single ply…at the airport. That stuff is horrible. 5 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Bright and breezy while at work. Dark and cold when you get off. PGP. We talking mood or weather here? 14 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Middle management role with entry-level pay. PGP. I regret slowly taking on more responsibility under the guise of “development”. Now the company gets more out of me, with the same salary. 10 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on This. PGP. If I set an alarm I almost always wake up before it, then eventually turn it off and get out of bed. 10 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on "... at your earliest convenience." PGP. Tomorrow is my earliest convenience. 11 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Tax refund spent. Haven't even filed yet. PGP. Spending money you don’t have is an American pastime. Thank you for being patriotic. 14 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Refusing to burn PTO on the impending ice storm then being the only one in the office who shows up. PGP. Smart move. Basically two days off now. 17 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Fell asleep drunk in my Uber ride home on Saturday night. PGP. I believe the term is “passed out”. 25 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Listening to three girls in their mid-twenties discuss their wedding plans while subtly comparing how much each will cost. PGP. They are competing with each other, I’m stuck listening to it. 10 Log in to reply or vote on comments
Briefcase too!
I started wearing a bathing suit to work.
“No it’s just my elevated blood pressure from dealing with people like you all day.”
This is definitely a PGPM.
If only dreaming about that new job would get us there.
To keep future exes prying hands off the money.
I would probably start laughing.
At 5 we’re allowed to leave the cubicle farm and drink beer until Sunday.
Gonna have to go to urban dictionary to decipher this. Am I getting that old?
Then his job.
I’ll raise you, single ply…at the airport. That stuff is horrible.
We talking mood or weather here?
I regret slowly taking on more responsibility under the guise of “development”. Now the company gets more out of me, with the same salary.
If I set an alarm I almost always wake up before it, then eventually turn it off and get out of bed.
Tomorrow is my earliest convenience.
Spending money you don’t have is an American pastime. Thank you for being patriotic.
Smart move. Basically two days off now.
I believe the term is “passed out”.
They are competing with each other, I’m stuck listening to it.