TheCEO 8 years ago on Computer froze on timed slide 124 of 130 on your desktop and now you have to re-start all of the compliance training. PGP. Just wait until your manager is angry you can’t get your work done because you’re stuck doing the mandatory training… 15 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Flushed my smaller toenail clippers down the toilet today. PGP. You cut your toenails over the toilet too? 19 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Funny how you can find the least important emails in your inbox by sorting by importance. PGP. If you send me an email and flag it urgent, I’ll let it sit there unread for hours while I read/respond to all my other emails. 6 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on I am afraid of the hangover I'mgoing to get from a bachelor party two weeks from now. PGP. I’m getting the shakes just reading that. 8 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on The last thing I want to see on a Friday at 3. Maybe it’s a free credit card!? 9 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Ending your run at the liquor store, buying a bottle, and walking the last five blocks home. PGP. Fanny pack 17 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Waiting to board flight: facebook, twitter, Instagram, PGP, repeat. PGP. Remember: non-itemized receipts are your friend. 14 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Shirt was on inside out today. Nobody told me. PGP. Unless you wear a tag less t-shirt to work, how does that happen? 13 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Single occupancy bathrooms being the height of luxury in your office building. PGP. God forbid a handicapped person ever needed to use the bathroom on our floor. 11 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on My company doesn't use Outlook. PGP. Wait, how do you…work? -1 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Getting anxiety about all your Outlook flags. PGP. Sometimes I mark flagged items “completed” without completing them. PGPowerMove. 13 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on The classic hungover, burp, throw-up in the office bathroom's sink. Fuck. PGP. Never trust a hungover burp, fart or cough. 17 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Had my first sex related injury this weekend. PGP. Going on 3.5 weeks with a pulled hip flexor, it was worth it. 9 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Considering quitting my job because I was too busy to read TGDAG this week. PGP. Read through the “voluntary termination” section of your employee handbook first. 16 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Using the Back-To-School section to stock up on office supplies. PGP. Your firm doesn’t feel the need to supply legal pads either? 15 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Living in constant fear that your boss will find out that you are just making it up as you go. PGP. This is the most accurate statement I ever read here. 32 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 8 years ago on Having to quickly switch tabs when you hear a coworker come up behind you. PGP The end cubes by the windows are clutch 12 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 9 years ago on Gluten free bread was served at the luncheon. PGP. Proper serving technique: pick up slice of bread, throw in trash, repeat until loaf is gone. 9 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 9 years ago on My boss asked me for honest feedback yesterday. I told her I felt she was not an effective leader...I got written up for insubordination. PGP. These are the thoughts you tell your coworkers, not your boss. 6 Log in to reply or vote on comments
TheCEO 9 years ago on Only 45 more years. #PGP Too early in the day to start thinking about this. 34 Log in to reply or vote on comments
Just wait until your manager is angry you can’t get your work done because you’re stuck doing the mandatory training…
You cut your toenails over the toilet too?
If you send me an email and flag it urgent, I’ll let it sit there unread for hours while I read/respond to all my other emails.
I’m getting the shakes just reading that.
Maybe it’s a free credit card!?
Fanny pack
Remember: non-itemized receipts are your friend.
Unless you wear a tag less t-shirt to work, how does that happen?
God forbid a handicapped person ever needed to use the bathroom on our floor.
Wait, how do you…work?
Sometimes I mark flagged items “completed” without completing them. PGPowerMove.
Never trust a hungover burp, fart or cough.
Going on 3.5 weeks with a pulled hip flexor, it was worth it.
Read through the “voluntary termination” section of your employee handbook first.
Your firm doesn’t feel the need to supply legal pads either?
This is the most accurate statement I ever read here.
The end cubes by the windows are clutch
Proper serving technique: pick up slice of bread, throw in trash, repeat until loaf is gone.
These are the thoughts you tell your coworkers, not your boss.
Too early in the day to start thinking about this.