
Member Since 08/30/2016

  • Texpat 6 years ago on The Postgrad Years Are Tough, It's Not Just You

    Preach! Just started my second year of grad school after having been out of school for 5 years and I kinda forgot how “to school.” I recently decided to try out acupuncture to help with stress and it surprisingly helps. It seemed like a crazy idea in the past, but I figured if this eastern medicine has been around for so long, may as well give it a shot. I’ve also been meditating via the Calm app. It took me weeks to decide that I needed to meditate to just clear my head. Sometimes the things we think may be the silliest ideas turn out to be helpful. Best of luck to everyone else out there who are going through stressful times as well. We got this!

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  • Texpat 7 years ago on Displaced Texan Chronicles: Why Texas?

    Going to the Salute to Texas Independence Day always gives me the feels. It’s nice to see everyone lose their stuffy all black clothes and back in their boots and plaid.

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