“It wasn’t that he didn’t care about the job…he just didn’t care about the job.”
As trash as Guy is for not putting in any effort, this still resonates with me.
Negative. We know Trip dated Girl in college, and early on Girl and Caroline talk about wanting to make John and Todd best friends. Todd and John work in the same company (or at least building) but I’m pretty sure they aren’t familiar with each other before they each start dating the girls
This article also seems pretty deadset on blaming him. “Here’s Demario’s statement, if you care to read it.” His testimony counts just as much as hers right now
If Ed Sheeran’s cameo distracted you from that scene, you probably have s shit attention span
“It wasn’t that he didn’t care about the job…he just didn’t care about the job.”
As trash as Guy is for not putting in any effort, this still resonates with me.
No wonder you’re depressed
Interesting take. I’ll have to watch season five and then the series finale and see how it goes
“He had an imaginary argument with Macy in his head.”
We have all felt this pain
He’s basically Todd with loose lips
TGDAG: Guilt Trip
Love the lack of regard for Spencer’s whereabouts
You missed last week: blackout city or something
Macy and Guy are each some relation to Girl and Todd. This is some straight up Grease 2 shit
Beat me to it
Way to stay in character
New POV is needed. The Spencer Diaries: what the Fuck is wrong with these people?
Hold up. Does Claire’s appearance in this mean that we haven’t seen the last of her? Dammit Will, don’t keep doing this to us
I appreciated this more than I should have
Negative. We know Trip dated Girl in college, and early on Girl and Caroline talk about wanting to make John and Todd best friends. Todd and John work in the same company (or at least building) but I’m pretty sure they aren’t familiar with each other before they each start dating the girls
This must be Guy’s private account
Hopefully it won’t be another 2 months before we find out what he said to her
This article also seems pretty deadset on blaming him. “Here’s Demario’s statement, if you care to read it.” His testimony counts just as much as hers right now
I see Demario’s gonna get railroaded on this