The lack of gore has nothing to do with it. They shoehorned a backstory where it wasn’t needed (people loved Daryl already and his motivations aren’t really relevant) and took an entire episode to accomplish what would have taken one scene in a well-written show.
Game of Thrones has more votes than The Wire? You people are literal savages and should be shown footage of your TVs being thrown under steamrollers from your cell in Gauntanamo Bay.
The lack of gore has nothing to do with it. They shoehorned a backstory where it wasn’t needed (people loved Daryl already and his motivations aren’t really relevant) and took an entire episode to accomplish what would have taken one scene in a well-written show.
This reads like a well-written infomercial.
Game of Thrones has more votes than The Wire? You people are literal savages and should be shown footage of your TVs being thrown under steamrollers from your cell in Gauntanamo Bay.