Alyssa is banging her ex on the side anyway. Will see the Instagram pic of Eric, and then feel totally ok with her actions and ok with dumping Eric and then get back together with the ex.
Eric is being used to make “douchebag Ex” jealous. Girl knew her ex would be there, the ex recommended the place. The ex knows she’s trying to make him jealous, that’s why he did a power move and walked over said hi and walked away. That’s also why she asked Eric out and that’s why she’s insisting on paying for the date but ordering the cheapest item on the menu herself (so she won’t feel bad when she dumps Eric and goes back to her ex, because hey she paid not Eric). Eric even said they’d only just started seeing each other, so they haven’t had time to form an emotional connection, whereas she definitely has feelings still for ol dbag ex (hate isn’t the opposite of love, indifference is)…
Step back and read between the lines, commenters. Nick is teaching lessons.
Women love to chase men. When every guy wants them, it’s the guy who doesn’t care and is indifferent that sets himself apart and makes them crazy attracted seeking his attention
A lot of naive commenters not realizing that Eric was brought there on purpose- to make her ex jealous.
She knew her ex would be there (girls are very smart) and Eric is merely a pawn. Eric may have sex with her that night, but she’ll be thinking about the Ex the whole time and hook back up with him.
Nah Im wrong, hell dude just quit your job and start working at McDonald’s if that’s your passion, because any girl that would have a problem with your income and not love you for your character and who you are as a person is “the wrong kind of girl”, you can probably find a girl who makes enough to support herself nowadays anyway so it doesn’t matter what you make. The above commenters and all their upvoters agree.
Not even sure why we went to college and are all on a site for “post grads” since money doesn’t matter, we should all just be ok with entry level positions not even sure why this site for post grads talking about grinding away even exists since none of us are motivated by money.
~ end sarcasm~
Real talk, dude, don’t listen to these other people (except Dillon, his response was close on), I will say that you’re going to be ok at 60k, it’s not a bad income at all, especially for your 20s, and you will make more money in the future too- and I promise you women do take notice (they don’t ask your income but they look for indicators of success like job title, how you dress, speak, are you renting or buying, how you carry yourself, etc.) But any of these people in this thread or this site or anywhere in the world try to tell you money doesn’t matter and that women don’t like a guy with cash are 1. LYING 2. Wrong 3. Deluding themselves that they’re living in a fantasy/utopia dream world and think humans aren’t motivated and fascinated by wealth, power, sex and success (they very much are).
Go date a man who’s broke, has no credit, no ambition, and be sure to pay for all of his drinks and meals on every single date then if it doesn’t matter.
Despite what women say, yes they do care about a man’s success and ability to provide to a certain point.
Now 60k isn’t a bad place to be for his age, so he shouldn’t beat himself up over it. Just keep working hard and stay ambitious.
As he gets older he will make more money. Men tend to age fairly well as they get older so long as they take care of their health. Women just so happen to tend to be attracted to older men…
I think he’ll be fine so long as he stays focused on improving his career and staying in good health. Chin up bud.
Be happy for the success and achievements of others. Work on yourself and make your life amazing and take pride in it, and tell yourself everyday you’re pretty awesome for all you’ve done. To help this, adopt a mentality of minimal attachment and an otherwise easy going nonchalance to the stresses of everyday life and boredom and celebrate even the smallest of wins.
No one, this is just how the world is.
Alyssa is banging her ex on the side anyway. Will see the Instagram pic of Eric, and then feel totally ok with her actions and ok with dumping Eric and then get back together with the ex.
Eric is being used to make “douchebag Ex” jealous. Girl knew her ex would be there, the ex recommended the place. The ex knows she’s trying to make him jealous, that’s why he did a power move and walked over said hi and walked away. That’s also why she asked Eric out and that’s why she’s insisting on paying for the date but ordering the cheapest item on the menu herself (so she won’t feel bad when she dumps Eric and goes back to her ex, because hey she paid not Eric). Eric even said they’d only just started seeing each other, so they haven’t had time to form an emotional connection, whereas she definitely has feelings still for ol dbag ex (hate isn’t the opposite of love, indifference is)…
Step back and read between the lines, commenters. Nick is teaching lessons.
She is wrong, 100% wrong.
Women love to chase men. When every guy wants them, it’s the guy who doesn’t care and is indifferent that sets himself apart and makes them crazy attracted seeking his attention
A lot of naive commenters not realizing that Eric was brought there on purpose- to make her ex jealous.
She knew her ex would be there (girls are very smart) and Eric is merely a pawn. Eric may have sex with her that night, but she’ll be thinking about the Ex the whole time and hook back up with him.
Nah Im wrong, hell dude just quit your job and start working at McDonald’s if that’s your passion, because any girl that would have a problem with your income and not love you for your character and who you are as a person is “the wrong kind of girl”, you can probably find a girl who makes enough to support herself nowadays anyway so it doesn’t matter what you make. The above commenters and all their upvoters agree.
Not even sure why we went to college and are all on a site for “post grads” since money doesn’t matter, we should all just be ok with entry level positions not even sure why this site for post grads talking about grinding away even exists since none of us are motivated by money.
~ end sarcasm~
Real talk, dude, don’t listen to these other people (except Dillon, his response was close on), I will say that you’re going to be ok at 60k, it’s not a bad income at all, especially for your 20s, and you will make more money in the future too- and I promise you women do take notice (they don’t ask your income but they look for indicators of success like job title, how you dress, speak, are you renting or buying, how you carry yourself, etc.) But any of these people in this thread or this site or anywhere in the world try to tell you money doesn’t matter and that women don’t like a guy with cash are 1. LYING 2. Wrong 3. Deluding themselves that they’re living in a fantasy/utopia dream world and think humans aren’t motivated and fascinated by wealth, power, sex and success (they very much are).
Downvote me into oblivion. Truth hurts.
Everyone wants what they can’t have.
Go date a man who’s broke, has no credit, no ambition, and be sure to pay for all of his drinks and meals on every single date then if it doesn’t matter.
Despite what women say, yes they do care about a man’s success and ability to provide to a certain point.
Now 60k isn’t a bad place to be for his age, so he shouldn’t beat himself up over it. Just keep working hard and stay ambitious.
They’re projecting.
As he gets older he will make more money. Men tend to age fairly well as they get older so long as they take care of their health. Women just so happen to tend to be attracted to older men…
I think he’ll be fine so long as he stays focused on improving his career and staying in good health. Chin up bud.
Everyone has been hurt by someone at this point.
We all have scars.
She’s seeing if she still has you on the hook. That way you can be the fall back guy in case she’s ready to bounce the dude she’s currently screwing.
Another option:
Be happy for the success and achievements of others. Work on yourself and make your life amazing and take pride in it, and tell yourself everyday you’re pretty awesome for all you’ve done. To help this, adopt a mentality of minimal attachment and an otherwise easy going nonchalance to the stresses of everyday life and boredom and celebrate even the smallest of wins.
Basically the law of attraction.
Sounds like you’ve just found a substitute fix (PGP instead of FB) to your addiction my friend.
Traditional country seems to be slowly returning with artists like Stapleton. People are kinda tired of the bullshit fake Pop country nowadays.
Throw in Midland. They’re album “On the Rocks” surprised me- lot of Texas swing and traditional western sound.
Awful take.
I’d almost say Stapleton dips into blues sometimes and Sturgill seems to have some folk and bluegrass in his songs.
Both of them are more country than Nashville Pop and Bro country on the radio today.
Chris Stapleton, Strugill Simpson, and Midland
Figured they’d been doing it all along tbh