Just a friendly neighborhood cetacean wandering the seven seas for work and comment sections for leisure. Please direct all business inquiries to Paper Street Soap Company
Agreed, there’s a reason Saul Goodman hides out in a Cinnabon and it’s almost certainly the non extradition clause for all “there but not there” places (rest stops, truck stops, gas stations, Toledo, etc.)
I work Friday through Monday and as long as you can handle burning the midnight blubber to hit the reef on normal weekend days with your M-F dolphins you get two weekends, one of which just happens to hit during the week. Highly recommend it
If it makes you feel better when I tried to throw a Gatsby cookout the night ended with me in fincuffs after somersaulting over a barrier reef and trying and failing repeatedly to sneak into Atlantis
Whalecom back there’s always room for a few more on the flipper phone bandwagon
As a flip phone owner can confirm have to very tactfully broach the subject
At least it’s the perfect excuse to swim into the office smelling like a distillery
Agreed, there’s a reason Saul Goodman hides out in a Cinnabon and it’s almost certainly the non extradition clause for all “there but not there” places (rest stops, truck stops, gas stations, Toledo, etc.)
If you’ve set fin in a part of the ocean and gone to somewhere that’s not a gas station or airport it counts.
Goes with the inflatable mattress motif
Some would even call it Flamin hot
I think I’m more excited about this collaboration than I am about infinity war
While everyone else is playing golf Nived is playing golf squared
I work Friday through Monday and as long as you can handle burning the midnight blubber to hit the reef on normal weekend days with your M-F dolphins you get two weekends, one of which just happens to hit during the week. Highly recommend it
Plus you’ll have enough gas to power the furnace through the winter
A young Frank Reynolds perhaps
Absolutely not, Kissed grandpa dolphin on the forehead a few weeks before he passed but that’s literally it.
Flaming hot wings. Your soul will scorch and wither but you will be warm the whole walk/drive home
If it makes you feel better when I tried to throw a Gatsby cookout the night ended with me in fincuffs after somersaulting over a barrier reef and trying and failing repeatedly to sneak into Atlantis
They have it in Columbus, not sure how far south it gets unfortunately
That’s why no one will remember your name