
Member Since 01/09/2015

  • polinz88 9 years ago on Adjusting To The Maturity Gap When Hitting On College Girls

    I am 26, have an amazing career, have a degree from a great school and make a very good living. I drive a brand new Audi and live in the city in a very nice spot… and guess what… I never watched Star Wars… if it says anything about me it would probably be that I am just not big into fiction… Love to read, love to watch TV, have no idea who Zack and Cody are but I know my brother’s generation watched all that growing up… nothing wrong with it… just a different generation…

    why the fuck would she go for a dude who is only 27… If I knew back then what I know now… I would have always dated older, all men are immature idiots until they reach their early to mid 30s….

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