PGP Intern

Member Since 05/28/2013

Dude was probably three beers deep too. Respect.

Dad Snags Rocket Foul Ball In Stands With His Daughter Strapped To His Chest

What an absurd human being.

Titus Andromedon’s Audition Tape For Hamilton Is As Ridiculous As You’d Think It Would Be

From the same people who did the Artisanal Wood and Cooks parodies, so you know it’s good.

This Parody Perfectly Makes Fun Of Every TED Talk You’ve Ever Sat Through

Did not think he’d know the song that well.

I Can’t Get Enough Of This 80-Year-Old Man Doing Karaoke To “Bodies” By Drowning Pool

Yup, looks about right.

Nick Offerman Shows Exactly How He Spends Father’s Day Fishing With His Dad

Is it dusty in here?

This Is A Supercut Of Every Tearjerking Scene In The History Of Film

Once had a roommate jack it in my bathroom while I was out of town. I found his porn mags (yeah, magazines) and lotion under my sink.

Watch Lewis Black Destroy Horrible Roommates Everywhere

Honestly, would still watch if this was actually the cast.

Here’s All The Bonus Footage From Saturday Night Live’s Celebrity Star Wars Auditions

My brain doesn’t work fast enough to comprehend what Erlich is saying, let alone figuring out how he came up with all of this.

These 4 Minutes Of Outtakes From This Season’s ‘Silicon Valley’ Premiere Are Remarkably Impressive

Python Bites Man’s Penis During Routine Bathroom Visit In Thailand, But He’s Perfectly Fine