
Member Since 06/17/2013

  • Pat 11 years ago on #StopCrossFit

    The reality is when you take yourself THAT seriously in anything in life, you’re going to get made fun of. CrossFitters just need to learn that. I am lucky to have found a very unique CF box that will laugh you out or kick you out of the box for taking it too seriously. The gym owner is a 20+ year veteran of the Navy SEALs, so he has some perspective on life. (A) you’re not saving the world by preaching paleo to everyone, and (B) you’re going to need to do more than a 1-legged squat to impress him. It makes for a light hearted environment that is actually enjoyable for people. The goal is to make people feel good about themselves, not inadequate or insecure.
    I will disagree with you on one point though. CrossFit women ARE sexy. I would so much rather date the strong girl who will challenge me to a pull up competition than the skinny girl who only eats 800 calories a day and can’t keep up with me on a simple hike. That strong girl is also usually more confident with less emotional baggage than the 95 pound model on the magazine cover.
    Great article, though! I think #3 is my favorite. I got my ass kicked in one WOD at a competition recently and got to experience that.

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