What an idiot. This guy just nuked recruitment at Gibson Guitar for five years. Nice job J-wicz. I’m sure upper managment loves being treated like a bunch of fucking 8th graders. I wonder if they have to request a hall pass to leave their desks to take a piss.
Seriously though…fuck these kids
this guy gets it.
What an idiot. This guy just nuked recruitment at Gibson Guitar for five years. Nice job J-wicz. I’m sure upper managment loves being treated like a bunch of fucking 8th graders. I wonder if they have to request a hall pass to leave their desks to take a piss.
Hunter S Thompson was known to apply for jobs in similar fashion. http://www.thewire.com/entertainment/2010/10/hunter-s-thompson-applies-for-a-job/18760/
Who the hell tapes themselves working out?
Well done
Didn’t realize this was a debate.