
Member Since 09/06/2013

  • OmarShamshoon 11 years ago on 5 Truths About Millennials

    I’m 30, so I’m old enough to remember a solid economy. When I started college in 2001, student loan interest rates were 2.1%. Can you guess who raised them? Hint: wasn’t Democrats. I also remember that the Bush tax cuts were passed because the government was running a surplus. Bush argued, “Well, that’s America’s money. Give it back and watch it boom!” Then 9/11 caused a recession and revenue dropped. The answer? Tax cuts! “Why, we don’t have enough money. Give ’em a tax break and watch it boom!” Millenials are bearing the brunt of a decade of that bullshit.

    One party has batshit crazy economic policies, and it ain’t Democrats.

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