Nick Halden

Member Since 12/05/2014

  • Nick Halden 6 years ago on I'm Afraid Of Change

    Madoff, your pieces on here always hit closest to home for me, and I’ve always enjoyed reading them.

    Change has been interesting for me and my group of friends; we’ve had friends move away, had one pass away, had one lose his father suddenly, and had friends start families. Some of us want(ed) kids, some of us don’t. The worst part is trying to get the ones that still live close by together – we used to hang out much more frequently, but now, it has to be an event to get everyone together – Friendsgiving, New Years Eve, or something like that. That’s been the hardest thing for me to try and accept, it used to be a simple text asking who wanted to go to Happy Hour and we’d have 6-8 of us show up at least. Now? It seems that if it hasn’t been planned a month or more in advance, it ain’t happening.

    Reading this, however, has reminded me to embrace those times we do actually get together and try not to lament the fact that we can’t just hang out whenever. Thank you for that, and please don’t ever stop writing. We all need an outlet, and some people have a gift for reaching others with theirs.

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