
Member Since 06/19/2013

  • ngerecitano 11 years ago on #StopCrossFit

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for writing this post. CrossFit was a MAJOR catalyst for my marriage ending. My ex tried and tried to get me to go so I finally agreed to go with her and told her I would go for a month solid. I went once, almost puked at the end, and never went back. She was so mad at me and told me how unsupportive of a husband I was. She would actually text me pictures of her hands torn after a work out and have me post them to her Facebook page. I would have to save the picture to my phone, email it to myself, log out of my account, log in to hers, and post the picture, all while trying to get ready for work and not be late because, at this time, she did the workouts in the morning. And if I didn’t do it, then I would get yelled at. As for the paleo diet, I told her I didn’t want to do that with her because I like food, and again, got the unsupportive husband comment. I told her it was fine if she wanted to do it, but that I didn’t really want to do that diet. I was happy with how I looked and felt, but that wasn’t good enough and she got pissed until I gave in. She diet hopped depending on what diet her “trainer” told her to be on. She got such a great feeling telling people how she was eating Paleo and would spend absurd amounts of money on food she’d cook based off paleo recipes she found online. She would swear up and down they were delicious, but most nights, when I got home from work, she’d be waking up from a nap on the couch, and as soon as I walked in the door, she’d ask me to go back out to the store and get her a bag of Tostitos and a jar of Pace Green Salsa. If I didn’t go back out, I’d get yelled at. She’d eat the entire bag and jar in one sitting. I would actually fill tupperware containers with the food she made to bring for lunch and throw the food out at work, just to get it out of the house and not have to eat it later. She wondered why she was constantly gaining weight and assumed it must be muscle, but, it definitely wasn’t. She wanted me to look at her “man muscles”, what she called her trap muscles. They never grew, but she was proud of them. She had torn her ACL and MCL when she was in high school playing soccer so she already had a bad knee. I can’t even count how many times she came home from a work out and said “I dislocated my knee a few times during the workout, but it’s ok now. Going to be swollen tomorrow though, but I should be able to work out again!” Both of her parents are in the medical field and they both told her it was a terrible workout and diet program and that she was doing more and more damage to her knee, but she didn’t listen and just kept going and going. By the end of everything, she actually told me “If you can’t accept CrossFit, then you can’t accept me.” An ultimatum where she was willing to choose a work out program that reduced us seeing each other to about 20 minutes a day rather than to reduce the amounts of workouts she did from 6 days a week to 3 or 4 and actually spend some time together. Either way, she chose CrossFit over me and, at this point, I couldn’t be happier. After the marriage ended, I got a new job and moved from Atlanta to Las Vegas.

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